Ask Emily | Why photographer as a career?

Dear Emily,

How did you get into photography? And what made you decide to focus specifically on wedding photography?


Ever since I was little I've loved art in just about any form (I also love to draw when I have the time). I tried photography for the first time in high school basically because I was running out of art classes to take and I figured it was a cool thing to try. I was pretty much hooked after our first assignment. Something about the ability to capture moments forever just stuck with me and before my senior year of high school I knew I wanted to go on to be a photography major. The photo above was taken for one of my photography classes in high school and ended up being the first of my photographs that I ever sold to someone!

When I was in my first year at Endicott College we were required to do an internship over winter break. I looked at a lot of local photographers and photographers in Boston but nothing really interested me until I started looking at wedding photographers. A friend of my mom's had noticed a small photo studio by the Wakefield lake and suggested I reach out to the owner about an internship. So I did, and now three years later here I am still working for her!

After our first wedding together at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston I was sure this was what I wanted to be doing. Getting to be a part of a day that was so full of significance and emotion, and getting to be the one to save all of those moments in photos was an incredible opportunity to me. And whenever we have a particularly long or difficult wedding day now this is exactly what I remind myself about. 
